Brian Keaulana
An innovator in water safety risk management, Keaulana is routinely tapped to teach the best big-wave riders in the world how to react to a wipeout in gargantuan (40-foot-plus, 12-meter plus) waves. His uncanny ability to rescue surfers from seemingly impossible situations has made Keaulana renown globally. In one notable rescue in 1993 on Oahu’s northwest shore, Keaulana saved a tourist trapped in the “Moi Hole” – a sea cave nestled among a particularly violent convergence of volcanic rock, heavy swells, and churning tides. The fact that Keaulana was able to get in (and out) in one piece was heroic; that he did so using a Jet Ski was revolutionary and thus began his innovation and pioneering of Jet Ski assisted rescue.
Soon after, Keaulana was promoted to lifeguard captain of the Makaha coastline, a position first held by his father, Buffalo, also a legendary waterman. Like his father, Brian is also an inductee to the Duke Kahanamoku Waterman Hall of Fame.
Then Hollywood came calling. Keaulana worked on Waterworld, In God’s Hands, and Blue Crush. Today he is one of the most sought-after surfing stuntmen in the industry. He’s currently working on the second season of Beyond The Break.
He has served as technical advisor to the U.S. Military for various water safety and risk management techniques. His vast accomplishments all stem from a life in and around the ocean. Keaulana, a co-founder and partner in C4 Waterman, embodies what it means to be a true waterman. He brings immeasurable credibility and authenticity to iWaterman.